Here’s an Honest review of Pokémon sword as a long time fan:
The graphics are pretty well, the Pokémon are cute and lovely however I felt someHere’s an Honest review of Pokémon sword as a long time fan:
The graphics are pretty well, the Pokémon are cute and lovely however I felt some battle animations were lacking. The game suffered from lag and slow down in some areas, especially in the wild area. The wild area was extremely fun, however. It’s easy to get distracted and lost for hours exploring and doing max raid battles. Dynamax didn’t feel overly gimmicky as it was mainly reserved for raids and gym battles. Speaking of gym battles the music was arguably the best part of the game. The story felt lacking. It’s suddenly just thrust at you near the end of the game and there’s no real explanation as to why the events are happening, the final battle is less of a struggle and more of letting the two cover legendaries do all the work. As for the rest of the game, it’s slightly challenging at the start but once you have access to the wild area it’s extremely easy to become over leveled and I spent the entire game from that point on 20 to 30 levels ahead of the trainers on the routes and gym leaders. The tournament at the end was a nice change, and some of the characters actually did feel a little more developed than the last few games. There’s a small bit of post game story but once that’s over the game begins to feel dull and repetitive. Not having the entire Pokédex did not effect the main game however it feels like the post game is lacking and missing something that adding a few more pokémon into the wild to track down could very well fix. Online interaction feels a little bare bones. There is no GTS, and no way to communicate to a person you may be trading with what pokémon you are offering or looking for, making getting specific version exclusives pokémon difficult. Over all, it was a fun experience but the game feels rushed, unpolished, and as if something more was intended but never fully realized.… Expand


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